Monday, 9 November 2015

Shelter for a North Island Brown Kiwi

This is my plan and a model I made for a shelter for a North Island Brown Kiwi.
I tried to make it so that predators could not get in. I did not need to make any modifications from my plan because it was so awesome! I did not make the rollers that I wanted inside because they were too hard to make.
 North Island Brown Kiwi are an endangered species, and predators are a big problem.  They try to fight off the predators by running away or by kicking at them with their powerful legs. It is my responsibility to care for the kiwi.

Friday, 25 September 2015

Junior Production

This is a video of our class song at the Junior Production.

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Bee report

A bees is an insect. Bees are invertebrates. 

Bees live in hives they can also live in honey farms. 

Bees don't have backbones. Bees have black and yellow stripes they have four wings and six legs.

Bees dance to communicate.  Bee can fly.  Bees eat honey which they make.  Bees use nectar to make honey.

Bees need flowers so they can pollinate the Earth.  Do not kill bees otherwise the Earth will die.