Tuesday, 31 October 2017

camp ):)

                         😞 😃   camp ):) 

   when we got there : so when we got there we did the roll call and all and had lunch and then we did the activitys 

indoor rock climming: this was my groups fist activity and i couldn't wait. when people stared to strugal the insracter would pull them up so  that kind of ruinned it for me. 

scavenger hunt: so, there was a scavenger hunt which... was ok but i didnt like it .

raft biulding : are group made a boat that was three barrals tied in a net  and!.. there was a challing to which group go the most people on the boat thay bilt.                                                                                       
dinner: for that night it was lisanla quite liked it but i loved the desert  it was apple crumbal whith ice cream i loved it.

tallent show: yep we did a tellent show, i whont show all of them because the were like 49 tallents. 8 boys did "i dont want  none were left. 2 boys got 2 people 2 mix up a 2 by 2 rubix cube then 1 of them tolk like 2 secondes 2 solve the 2 by 2 rubix cube but the 2nd tolk like 2 munits. me, max and kyden did a comity skit and i dont think any one laughed and i wont tell you about it because...because... because life! XD ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! ha ha ha ha ha pfft haiiiiii ha oh that made me laugh(LOL XD) 

mmmmovie the move was up and i didnt whach it.
orintering: orintering is compis and we made groups of 3 and 4 and we went over to... some where and the others had to direct you then again.         

horse riding: my faverit my horse was called charlie and i was a nateral only 3 mess ups IF you dont count  my horse trying to get ot the frown a mess up. 

watering houl: the 3rd day we went to a watering houl but it was steming it was like being in a fring pan it was that hot so i didnt really swim in it. now you might be wondering "dont people like the hot" and yes MOST people do but NOT ME! k i like the collllllllllllllllllllllllld not hot.

and thats it my camp refection